In pictures | Ajax players get ready for first fixture of 2023

Kudus Training 3 1
Kudus Training 3 1

Ajax held a training session at the de Toekomst training ground on Tuesday morning. With New Year celebrations now over, the Ajax team's thoughts turned immediately to the first league match of the year, against NEC.




The last of the World Cup players returned to Amsterdam last week, so Alfred Schreuder had a sizeable squad training on Tuesday. Ajax completed their second training session of the week in fine weather. Involving a thorough warm-up, a rondo and various exercise drills, Ajax were working towards their first official game of 2023.

Ajax get back to playing in the Dutch league next Sunday, away to NEC The Ajax players take on the current number nine in the Eredivisie, with kick-off at 2.30pm in the Goffert Stadium.

Our photographer was there as ever, and took some great shots.

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